.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Sebastian Wagner SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later ############### Getting support ############### In case you are lost, you need assistance or something is not discussed in this guide, you can ask the community for help. .. contents:: General tips ************ To be most efficient in seeking help, please describe your problem or question with all necessary information, for example: * Name and version of the operating system * Way of installation (deb/rpm packages, PyPI, local git repository) * Used bots and configuration * Logs of bots or terminal output * Any other useful messages, screenshots Mailing list ************ The most traditional way is to ask your question, make a proposal or discuss a topic on the |intelmq-users-list-link|. You need to subscribe to the mailing list before posting, but the archive is publicly available: `IntelMQ-Users Archive `_. GitHub ****** To report bugs, `GitHub issues `_ are the ideal place to do so. Every IntelMQ component has it's own repository on GitHub, with a separate Issue tracker. GitHub also offers a `discussion platform `_. To participate on GitHub, you first need to create an account on the platform. Assistance ********** If your organisation is a member of the `CSIRTs Network `_, you are eligible for support in the `MeliCERTes project `_. You can also ask on |intelmq-users-list-link| for individual support, some members offer support, including, but not limited to: * `Aaron Kaplan `_ (founder of IntelMQ) * `Institute for Common Good Technology `_ (chairmen Sebastian Wager is a IntelMQ maintainer and developer) * `Intevation GmbH `_ (Develops and maintains several IntelMQ components) ########### Development ########### Mailing list ************ There is a separate mailing list for developers to discuss development topics: |intelmq-developers-list-link| The `IntelMQ-Dev Archive `_ is public as well. Please also read the :doc:`/dev/guide`. GitHub ****** The ideal way to propose changes and additions to IntelMQ is to open a `Pull Request `_ on GitHub.