intelmq.bots.outputs.templated_smtp package


intelmq.bots.outputs.templated_smtp.output module

Templated SMTP output bot

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Linköping University <> SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

Sends a MIME Multipart message built from an event and static text using Jinja2 templates.

Templates are in Jinja2 format with the event provided in the variable “event”. E.g.:

mail_to: “{{ event[‘source.abuse_contact’] }}”

See the Jinja2 documentation at .

As an extension to the Jinja2 environment, the function “from_json” is available for parsing JSON strings into Python structures. This is useful if you want to handle complicated structures in the “output” field of an event. In that case, you would start your template with a line like:

{%- set output = from_json(event[‘output’]) %}

and can then use “output” as a regular Python object in the rest of the template.

Attachments are template strings, especially useful for sending structured data. E.g. to send a JSON document including “” and all other fields starting with “source.”:

  • content-type: application/json text: |


    “malware”: “{{ event[‘’] }}”, {%- set comma = joiner(”, “) %} {%- for key in event %}

    {%- if key.startswith(‘source.’) %}

    {{ comma() }}”{{ key }}”: “{{ event[key] }}”

    {%- endif %}

    {%- endfor %}


    name: report.json

You are responsible for making sure that the text produced by the template is valid according to the content-type.

SMTP authentication is attempted if both “smtp_username” and “smtp_password” are provided.


attachments: list of objects with structure:
  • content-type: string, templated, content-type to use. text: string, templated, attachment text. name: string, templated, filename of attachment.

body: string, optional, default see below, templated, body text.

The default body template prints every field in the event except ‘raw’, in undefined order, one field per line, as “field: value”.

mail_from: string, templated, sender address.

mail_to: string, templated, recipient addresses, comma-separated.

smtp_host: string, optional, default “localhost”, hostname of SMTP


smtp_password: string, default null, password (if any) for

authenticated SMTP.

smtp_port: integer, default 25, TCP port to connect to.

smtp_username: string, default null, username (if any) for

authenticated SMTP.

tls: boolean, default false, whether to use use SMTPS. If true, also

set smtp_port to the SMTPS port.

starttls: boolean, default true, whether to use opportunistic STARTTLS

over SMTP.

subject: string, optional, default “IntelMQ event”, templated, e-mail

subject line.

verify_cert: boolean, default true, whether to verify the server

certificate in STARTTLS or SMTPS.


alias of TemplatedSMTPOutputBot

class intelmq.bots.outputs.templated_smtp.output.TemplatedSMTPOutputBot(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: OutputBot

attachments: List[str] = []
body: str = "{%- for field in event %}\n    {%- if field != 'raw' %}\n{{ field }}: {{ event[field] }}\n    {%- endif %}\n{%- endfor %}\n"
mail_from: str | None = None
mail_to: str | None = None
password: str | None = None
smtp_host: str = 'localhost'
smtp_port: int = 25
ssl: bool = False
starttls: bool = False
subject: str = 'IntelMQ event'
username: str | None = None
verify_cert: bool = True

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