intelmq.bots.parsers.alienvault package


intelmq.bots.parsers.alienvault.parser module

class intelmq.bots.parsers.alienvault.parser.AlienVaultParserBot(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ParserBot

Parse data from the AlienVault API

parse_line(row, report)

A generator which can yield one or more messages contained in line.

Report has the full message, thus you can access some metadata. Override for your use.


alias of AlienVaultParserBot

intelmq.bots.parsers.alienvault.parser_otx module

Events are gathered based on user subscriptions in AlienVault OTX The data structure is described in detail here: howto_use_python_otx_api.ipynb

class intelmq.bots.parsers.alienvault.parser_otx.AlienVaultOTXParserBot(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ParserBot

Parse data from the AlienVault OTX API

parse(report: Report)

A basic JSON parser. Assumes a list of objects as input to be yield.

parse_line(pulse, report)

A generator which can yield one or more messages contained in line.

Report has the full message, thus you can access some metadata. Override for your use.

recover_line(line: dict) str

Reverse of parse for JSON pulses.

Recovers a fully functional report with only the problematic pulse. Using a string as input here is not possible, as the input may span over multiple lines. Output is not identical to the input, but has the same content.


dict. (The line as) –


The JSON-encoded line as string.

Return type:



alias of AlienVaultOTXParserBot

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